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Study in Canada


Study in Canada

Canada's educational system is regarded as one of the best in the world. Students choose to research there because of the high quality of education and career prospects. Canada has an outstanding educational infrastructure, making it "one of the world's favorite study overseas destinations. The world-class programs, well-known educational institutions, and highly trained and skilled teachers offer an exceptional learning environment, attracting international students from all over the world to study in Canada.


  • McGill University
  • University of Calgary
  • University of Waterloo
  • Toronto Metropolitan University, Toronto, Ontario
  • University of Windsor
  • Algoma University , Sault Ste. Marie,Ontario
  • Cape Breton University,SydneyNova Scotia
  • Lambton College Sarnia & Otttawa, Ontario
  • Courses

  • Engineering
  • Management
  • IT & Networking
  • Arts & Science
  • Finance & Accounting
  • Health Science
  • Hotel Management & Culinary Arts etc..
  • Scholarship

  • On-campus or off-campus jobs A student with a study permit may be allowed to work on or off-campus without obtaining a work permit.
  • Working as a co-op student or an apprentice is a great way to learn new skills. If the research program requires a mandatory co-op or internship placement, a work permit is required.
  • After the student graduates, there will be work. A post-graduation job permit (PGWP) allows a student to resume working in Canada after graduation.

    The next move in returning to Canada is to obtain a Permanent Residence. It gives you the right to live, read, visit, and work everywhere in Canada, as well as a variety of government-provided social benefits. A post-study work visa allows students to obtain valuable work experience that can contribute to Permanent Residence and is one of the best ways to remain in Canada. Students can work full-time while waiting for their PGWP application to be approved, as long as they have a valid research visa. International students who obtain a post-graduation job permit are considered temporary citizens of Canada. When studying under this scheme, the student may still apply for Permanent Residence and wait for acceptance. International students who have completed a two-year program at a post-secondary institution and have worked in a professional job for 12 months are entitled to qualify for PR under the Canadian Experience Class stream of the Express Entry System (CEC).